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In our boutiques, we extend the know-how and spirit of the workshops through the requirement of service, listening to each client and the generosity of the relationship.
Knowing how to compose beautiful and good cheese platters, shaping the butter, playing with the seasons and the knowledge of its clients, all this contributes to nurturing a story of taste and loyalty with our clients.
Contact our stores for your professional and family events: cheese platters, gift boxes, gift hampers, etc.
9 rue de l’Orme
35400 Saint Malo – Intra muros
6 avenue Révérend Père Umbricht
35400 Saint Malo – Courtoisville
La Place Gourmande – 6 rue de la Balue
35400 Saint Malo – Saint Servan
La Criée Marché Central – rue de Nemours
35000 Rennes
La Table du Curé – 18 rue du Dr Auguste Guilmin
ZA La Chaussée
44210 Pornic
14 av Charles de Gaulle
94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
Bordier butters and cheeses alongside wines from wine merchants!
This unique idea, thought up by Jean-Yves Bordier, aims to create a cheese counter within a wine cellar.
Today, 3 counters display a wide selection of cheeses matured in the cellars of Maison Bordier, as well as slabs of butter and Beurre Bordier delicatessen and creamery products.
Matthieu Cellard
Jean-Yves Bordier dreamed of a place where his butters could express themselves around the talents of a chef. This has been a reality since 2012.
An instinctive, masterful cuisine which enables Bordier Butters to blend in with seasonal ingredients.
The “Bistro Autour du Beurre” fulfills your wishes for freshness and offers you the talents of chef Steve Delamaire using the catch of local fisherman and ingredients from the farmers’ market featuring Bordier Butters.
An unusual, historic place combining natural materials, modern design and creamery bric-a-brac.
Le Bistro Autour du Beurre
9 rue de l’orme – 35400 Saint Malo
+33(0)2 23 18 25 81