The history of Maison Bordier is a story of encounters.
Between a quest for taste and a committed company, between Brittany and the world.
Between men and women driven by a common passion and commitment for the taste of beauty and goodness, respectful of traditional know-how and with a desire to invent, with and for their gourmet clients, elegant and sincere moments of pleasure.
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Jean-Yves Bordier, born in 1955, is the son and grandson of butter and cheese makers in the Parisian markets. They sold the cheeses refined by the father and the butters produced by the maternal grandparents in Normandy. The smells and tools of the creamery accompanied Jean-Yves’ childhood. He dreamt of being a sailor, but his destiny was to be written in butter.
He set off on a gastronomical adventure using his heritage, respect for nature and traditions. He created a culture of butter that he will make both innovative and gourmet with his friends and customers.
The son and grandson of butter and cheese makers, Jean-Yves Bordier, true to his Breton origins and drawn by the lure of the sea, opened his first shop selling mature cheeses and dairy products in Lannion, in Brittany. A real success that received great gastronomic reviews.
In 1985, he took over in Saint-Malo, “La Maison du Beurre”, a creamery which still processes butter in the tradition of 19th century butter kneaders as practised by his grandfather. This wonderful story seduced Jean-Yves. He bought his churned butter from local producers, asking them to pay particular attention to the quality of the cows’ food, even if it meant paying more for the best.
In 1986, Jean-Yves Bordier returned from the market with a brill on its seaweed bed. He improvised a seaweed duxelles with semi-salted butter that he placed on the cooked fillets. The obvious prevailed. The iodised notes, the coloured nuances signed a unique and magnificent culinary pairing.
That day, without knowing it, he invented the first flavoured butter in the Bordier collection.
In Saint-Malo or Paris, award-winning chefs embrace and are seduced by the quality and elegance of this kneaded butter.
Alain Senderens, Marc Veyrat, Eric Fréchon, Alain Passard and Yves Camdeborde all want to put Bordier Butter on their starred table. Guy Savoy will be the first to ask him for a special recipe.
In 1999, the business prospered. To ensure its sustainability, the company had to find a partner quickly. With his common sense, Jean-Yves Bordier preferred to approach a dairy rather than a banker. The meeting with Françoise Clanchin, owner of the family and independent dairy Olga in Noyal-sur-Vilaine sealed an immediate recognition.
Between the inspired entrepreneur and the committed family business, both shared the same love of the product and the conviction that scientific advances only make sense if they respect nature.
In 2005, the butter manufacturing workshops and the cheese ripening cellars moved to Noyal-sur-Vilaine. The artisan spirit remains, jealously preserved by the shareholder as well as by each of the employees of Maison Bordier.
In 2015, Jean-Yves Bordier retired to finally set sail from the port of Saint-Malo and experience other adventures. He was able not only to pass on his know-how but also his passion and his high standards to new teams driven by the inspiration of the founder.
“Beurre Butter” becomes Maison Bordier, to showcase all the know-how of the Maison and the heritage transmitted by Jean-Yves Bordier.
After an already glorious career in cheese competitions, Vincent Philippe, head of the maturing cellars and a long-time collaborator, became World Champion Cheesemaker and established Bordier’s reputation in the world of cheeses.
Generations come and go but it’s always the same story and the same spirit that continues.
Maison Bordier : 4 professions
Artisan Butter Maker and Cheese ripener,
we cultivate in our workshops a taste for the finest raw materials,
inspired by the best that nature offers us.
Bordier Butter
Unique know-how: discover our collection of natural and flavoured butters