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Artichauts violet farci au pied de cochon, ravigote au Beurre Bordier à la Framboise

Our Recipes

Purple artichokes stuffed with pig’s trotters, raspberry butter ravigote


4 people

The ingredients

• 12 pcs Artichokes purple
• 2 pcs pig’s trotters
• 250g Raspberry butter
• 25g Sicilian capers
• 5 cl raspberry vinegar
• 6 pcs raspberries
• 1 bunch tarragon
• 50 g shallots
• White wine
• Thyme

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Cut off the 2 ends of the artichoke. Scoop out the inside with a melon baller. Cook in olive oil, shallot, white wine and thyme.

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Dice the pig’s trotters, chopped shallot, capers and tarragon. Melt raspberry butter, raspberries and raspberry vinegar. Pour over pig’s trotters.

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Garnish the artichokes with the pig’s trotters and decorate with a few raspberries and tarragon sprigs.

Maison Bordier: 4 professions

Artisan Butter Maker & Cheese Ripener,
in our workshops, we cultivate a taste for the finest raw materials, inspired by the best that nature has to offer.

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Bordier Butter

Unique expertise: discover our collection of natural and flavoured butters

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Cheese refiner

The House’s primary expertise: selecting and caring for the finest cheeses.

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Creamery products

A selection of the finest creamery products made by passionate farmers and craftsmen.

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Grocery products

Gourmet recipes with Beurre Bordier, the ingredient that changes everything!

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