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Search results for: beurre yuzu

Galette des Rois with almond cream and Yuzu Beurre Bordier

Place the butter in a bowl and melt in the microwave or bain-marie. Add the sugar, then the almond powder and flour. Add the beaten eggs and mix with a wooden spoon (not a whisk, to avoid incorporating air which would cause the galette to swell during baking).

Salmon Gravlax, crunchy bread with Beurre Bordier

To make the gravlax : The day before, prepare the salmon gravlax. Mix the sugar, coarse salt and crushed spices and cover the salmon with this mixture (on the skin side of the fillet). Place in the fridge for 8 to 10 hours.

Breton shortbread, lemon cream and Bordier butter with yuzu

To make the lemon yuzu cream: Bring the lime juice and gelatine to the boil in a saucepan. Whisk the eggs with the sugar in a mixing bowl, then pour in the boiled lemon juice. Whisk briskly for 3-4 minutes. Pour the cream back into the bowl. When lukewarm, fold in the finely diced Bordier Yuzu Butter.

Artichoke Hearts and Langoustines with Yuzu Butter

Peel the artichokes and slice them in two, setting aside a few of the leaves for the decoration. Just cover the sliced artichokes in cold water with lemon juice to avoid oxidation. Cook for 25 minutes.

Cake “Sitôt dit”

In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar until frothy. Add the whipping cream and mix. Add flour and baking powder, mix. Add the softened butter, cut into 8 pieces, and mix briskly.

Our Recipes

We offer you a wide range of recipes with Maison Bordier products: from everyday cooking, to more elaborate recipes to please and indulge yourself, but always with simplicity and generosity. Bordier butter recipe

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